Golden Real Estate was incorporated in July 2007, which means that this is our 10th Anniversary. Join us this Friday, July 14th, 5-8 pm, when we’ll be throwing a party in our South Golden parking lot with live music and free food.

Over the past decade, Golden Real Estate has earned a well-deserved reputation for our commitment to energy efficiency, solar power, electric cars and sustainability in general. In 2010, the City of Golden honored us with their “Sustainability for Business Award.” When you come on Friday, bring your white block Styrofoam for recycling!
Because of this reputation, our 10th Anniversary party will also be a mini-expo. We’ve invited three of our favorite vendors to promote their services in front of our 20-kilowatt solar array.
Don Parker, the owner of Golden Solar, which installed our solar array, will be there to answer your questions about solar power and offer a free estimate on installing solar PV for you!
Bill Lucas-Brown, the owner of GB3 Energy, which did the super-insulation of our office, will explain that process and offer a free estimate on doing the same for your home or office.
Andrew Sams, the owner of Alpine Building Performance, LLC, is a home inspector with special training on energy efficiency. He also performs energy audits which we give to our buyers as a closing gift. He will be there to explain why you might want to have an energy audit of your home.
Lastly, John Avenson will be manning an informational table for the Metro Denver Green Homes Tour taking place on Oct. 7, 2017. It will be your chance to visit over a dozen “green” homes!

Our thanks to another neighbor, First Presbyterian Church, located just north of our office, for providing the tables and chairs for this event and for opening their own parking lot for you to park in.
As members of Golden Rotary,
we’ll be taking orders for peaches at $37 per 20-lb. box, to be picked
up at the Jeffco Fairgrounds on Aug. 19th. If you can’t come to our
party, order them at This is a major annual fundraiser for Golden Rotary, netting funds for many charitable activities.
The Golden Chamber of Commerce will honor us with a 10th anniversary ribbon cutting at 5:30. All in all, it should be a fun time, and we hope you’ll want to join us for it!
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